Olympics 2024: The Circus of Anti-Christian, Pedo, Satanic Filth


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Welcome to the Apocalypse

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and those of you who identify as confused, gather ’round and behold the spectacle of the 2024 Olympics! Yes, the same Olympics that, with a flourish of Satanic ritual, has somehow managed to become the poster child for everything that’s wrong with the world today. If you’re still glued to your screen, popcorn in hand, watching this parade of anti-Christian, pedo, satanic filth, congratulations! You’re officially a part of the problem.

The Opening Ceremony: ‘s Ballet

Remember the good old days when the Olympics were about sportsmanship, unity, and feats of athletic prowess? Well, those days are as dead as chivalry. This year, the opening ceremony was a twisted fantasia that looked like something conjured up by a drunk Dante. A spectacle where anti-Christian sentiments took center stage, featuring a pedo-Picasso’s fever dream, with a side of Beelzebub’s ballroom dance.

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Taking a Stand: The Couch Potato’s Dilemma

If you’re sitting there, eyes wide with shock and horror, but still tuning in for every single event, let me ask you this: What do you even stand for? Oh right, you’re standing for eight hours a day, staring at your TV, cheering for athletes who are more focused on gender-neutral pronouns than breaking records. Because let’s face it, taking a stand requires effort, and your couch is just so darn comfortable.

Satanic Influence: More Than Just a Bad Theme Party

What’s next, you ask? Well, how about the synchronized swimming team diving into a pentagram-shaped pool while chanting incantations? Or perhaps the gymnastics floor routine, where instead of flips and tumbles, we witness a ritual sacrifice to the dark lord himself? Because if you’re still watching, you’re apparently cool with this. Who needs morals when you’ve got medals, right?

Pedo Pomp and Circumstance

And let’s not forget the pedophilic undertones. Oh yes, because nothing says “family-friendly” like subtly endorsing the exploitation of children. Those cute little mascots? They’re not just innocent plush toys; they’re the face of an industry that’s more rotten than last year’s leftovers. If you’re okay with this, you might as well start writing fan mail to convicted felons.

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Conclusion: Time to Change the Channel

So, if you can’t even muster the willpower to change the channel, what do you even stand for? Are you an enabler of satanic rites and child exploitation? Or are you just too lazy to care? Either way, you’re complicit. The solution is simple: Turn off the TV, pick up a book, or better yet, get out and do something that doesn’t involve supporting the moral degradation of society.

The Olympics were once a noble tradition, a symbol of unity and human achievement. But today, they’ve become a cesspool of anti-Christian propaganda, satanic pageantry, and pedo-friendly performances. If you still watch, you’re not just a spectator; you’re a part of the problem. So, do us all a favor: Take a stand, and let the ratings for this depravity plummet faster than a lead balloon.

Epilogue: A Call to Action

In the grand theater of life, we have roles to play. Will you be the hero who stands against the tide of moral decay? Or will you be the apathetic bystander who claps as the world burns? The choice is yours. Just remember, every second you spend watching the Olympics is another nail in the coffin of decency. Choose wisely, dear reader. Choose wisely.

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