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Tag: Power

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Biden Claims He’s ‘Running the World’: No Cognitive Tests Required

US President Asserts His Global Leadership Negates Need for Mental Health Evaluation In a recent interview that’s causing quite the stir, US President Joe Biden...

The Curious Case of the Research-Resistant: Why People Shun Information and Demand Proof They Won’t Read

In today's digital age, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" has taken on a new, almost perverse meaning. With the vast expanse of information at...

13 Countries Sign WEF Treaty to Engineer an ‘Ethical Global Famine’

In a move that would make even the most cynical dystopian novelist proud, thirteen western countries, including the United States, have signed a World...

The Unstoppable Donald Trump: A Political Quagmire for the Elite

Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, has once again captured public attention, causing concern among the American elite. Despite being found...

The Evolution of America’s Nuclear Arsenal: Redefining Global Power Dynamics

The realm of power underwent a paradigm shift...


Barbie Unveils First Blind, Black Doll with Down Syndrome: “Inclusivity Gone Wild”

A Bold Step Towards Inclusivity (and Marketing Genius) Ladies and...

Unveiling the Invisible: Australia’s Mysterious 78-Page Covid Vaccine Report

In a dazzling display of transparency, the Australian government...

Groundbreaking Study Reveals the Truth Behind COVID Mortality Rates

In a revelation that is sure to ruffle some...


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