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The Grand Conspiracy: How Demons Are Plotting to Enslave Humanity

In a stunning revelation that will surprise no one who’s spent more than five minutes on the internet, it has become apparent that everything...

UN Declares War on Free Speech: Non-Mainstream Views to be Ostracized from Society

The UN's Bold New Strategy: Silence is Golden The United Nations, ever the champion of global harmony, has escalated its war against free speech, proclaiming...

The Great Global Hypnosis: A Guide to Seeing Through the World’s Collective Delusion

In a world teeming with technological marvels, you’d think humanity would have reached the pinnacle of enlightenment by now. Instead, it appears we've collectively...

The Curious Case of the Research-Resistant: Why People Shun Information and Demand Proof They Won’t Read

In today's digital age, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" has taken on a new, almost perverse meaning. With the vast expanse of information at...

13 Countries Sign WEF Treaty to Engineer an ‘Ethical Global Famine’

In a move that would make even the most cynical dystopian novelist proud, thirteen western countries, including the United States, have signed a World...


Barbie Unveils First Blind, Black Doll with Down Syndrome: “Inclusivity Gone Wild”

A Bold Step Towards Inclusivity (and Marketing Genius) Ladies and...

Unveiling the Invisible: Australia’s Mysterious 78-Page Covid Vaccine Report

In a dazzling display of transparency, the Australian government...

Groundbreaking Study Reveals the Truth Behind COVID Mortality Rates

In a revelation that is sure to ruffle some...


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