Fresh stories

Today: Browse our editor's hand picked articles!

The Bovine Dilemma: Fix the Cows or Bypass Bessie Entirely?

Picture this: a sprawling Kansas farm at dawn, cows...

Pick a Side, Play the Game: The Divide and Rule Conundrum

Imagine this: you're asked to pick a side. The...

Jeffrey Epstein: The Fake Billionaire and His Dark Web of Deceit

Imagine a world where the ultra-rich and powerful are...

The Irony of Vaccine Safety: Pfizer CEO Didn’t Take the Jab

In a world where the words "safe and effective"...

Justin Trudeau: Captain of a Sinking Ship or the Next Bond Villain?

It seems the political stage has taken a theatrical...

Jeffrey Epstein: The Fake Billionaire and His Dark Web of Deceit

Imagine a world where the ultra-rich and powerful are manipulated by a single man. This man, Jeffrey Epstein, was not just any financier but a...


Putin Issues Urgent Warning: US Preparing Bird Flu False Flag to Sabotage Election

A Startling Accusation In a shocking turn of events, Russian...

Are Covid-19 Vaccines Safe? Experts Sound Alarm in Malaysia

Dr. Kenny Yong, a COVID-19 survivor knee-deep in vaccine distribution, isn't mincing words. "This product isn't just a lemon, it's a full-on safety hazard," he asserts, waving the red flag amidst growing concerns. Pharmafiles echoes his sentiments, citing patient tales of repeated infections after vaccination, turning skeptics into nodding heads.

Pfizer Confidential Documents Reveal Shocking Global Depopulation Agenda and 2025 Genocide Plan

Confidential Pfizer documents allegedly reveal that the global elite are using Covid-19 vaccines as part of a depopulation agenda, with a significant increase in human fatalities expected by 2025. The documents mention a forecast made by Deagel, a global intelligence firm, which predicts a major decline in population for several countries by 2025. The connection between Pfizer files and child fatalities suggests that Deagel's projections were not speculative but an actual objective. Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer documents in a delayed manner, but they are currently available on the PHMPT website.

George Clooney Advocates Mandatory Vaccination: “Time to Jab Every Unvaccinated American”

In a recent interview, Hollywood heavyweight George Clooney made...






Bill Gates’ Plan to Save the World: The Ultimate Chemical Cloud Cover

Hold onto your hats, folks, because Bill Gates is...

Hydrogel Nanotechnology

Welcome to the wacky world of Hydrogel Nanotechnology. Before...

Ukrainian Government Implements Unconventional Measures to Conserve Energy Amid Crisis

In a surprising turn of events, Ukraine's government has...

Say Goodbye to Cloud Anonymity? New US Regulations Demand User Identification

If you value your privacy and are weary of...

The Crisis of Electric Vehicle Sales in Germany: A Deep Dive

Overview of the German EV Market Germany has long been...

The Rise of Biometric Authentication: Convenience or Concern?

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts...


The Irony of Vaccine Safety: Pfizer CEO Didn’t Take the Jab

In a world where the words "safe and effective"...

Is Modern America Living Out the Curses of Deuteronomy 28?

The ancient words of Deuteronomy 28:15 seem to echo...

Breakthrough Discovery: Scientists Unveil mRNA Vaccine ‘Off Switch’

A New Hope for mRNA Vaccine Recipients In a groundbreaking...

Staggering Rise in Vaccine Injuries Among Canadian Military: An 800% Surge in 2021

Vaccine injuries within the Canadian military surged by an...


Kamila Harris: The Rockstar Groupie Turned Vice President

In the annals of political history, one name stands...

Hillary Clinton: The Demon Chronicles

Once upon a tumultuous time in the land of...

Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Podesta: The Dynamic Duo to Save the World

Who would have thought? Arnold Schwarzenegger, the action star...

NBC Claims Cancer Tumors Are ‘Caused by Racism’

My Perspective on NBC’s Controversial Claim NBC has recently found...

Financial Frontier

Türkiye’s Plan to Join BRICS Sparks Global Interest

In a move that could reshape global econoımic alliances,...

Trump’s Stand on Central Bank Digital Currency: A Deep Dive

Introduction to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Central Bank Digital...

Nebraska Leads: No More Taxes on Gold & Silver Sales, Rejects CBDC as Legal Tender

Nebraska, a Pioneer in Sound Money Policies In a groundbreaking...

World Economic Forum’s Plot to Ban Cash Exposed

In a move that reeks of elitism, the World...

Diplomatic Dazzle

Biden’s Swan Song: The End is Near, So Grab Your Popcorn

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, for the final act...

Michelle Obama Emerging as a Key Figure in Democratic Voter Outreach

As the political landscape heats up, former First Lady...

US Watchdog Report: $62 Million in Military Aid to Ukraine Missing

Pentagon inspector general’s report has revealed a staggering $62 million worth of military aid to Ukraine has gone missing.

Biden Told NOT To Talk About His Own Record But To Attack Trump During Debate

In a strategic move straight out of a political...

World News Opinion

Justin Trudeau: Captain of a Sinking Ship or the Next Bond Villain?

It seems the political stage has taken a theatrical...

NATO Chief Tells Ukraine It Must Defeat Russia To Join The Alliance

The Road to NATO Membership: Ukraine's Tall Order In a...

The Untold Truth
The Untold Truth

Pick a Side, Play the Game: The Divide and Rule Conundrum

Imagine this: you're asked to pick a side. The...

Jeffrey Epstein: The Fake Billionaire and His Dark Web of Deceit

Imagine a world where the ultra-rich and powerful are...

The Truth About Coronavirus: Debunking Myths from a 1989 Medical Textbook

Unveiling the Mystery: Coronavirus and the Common Cold In a...

The World Economic Forum’s Disturbing New Agenda: AI and the End of Freedom

The Rise of AI: A Threat to Global Freedom? In...

Putin Issues Urgent Warning: US Preparing Bird Flu False Flag to Sabotage Election

A Startling Accusation In a shocking turn of events, Russian...

Jeffrey Epstein’s Ex Testifies He ‘Boasted About Being a Mossad Agent’

The saga of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier whose life...

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