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Lifestyle Hacks For Productivity

Why Mail-In and Drop Box Ballots Could Destroy Election Integrity

Mail-in and drop box ballots, while convenient, pose serious risks to election integrity by creating opportunities for undetected fraud. Discover why in-person voting may be the safer alternative.

Euthanasia for Sore Backs: The Dutch Cure for Mild Discomfort

In a story that sounds more like a dark satire than reality, a Dutch couple was euthanized by the state due to their persistent...

Unlocking the Truth: A Journey Down the Rabbit Hole

Once you venture into the depths of understanding and uncover the hidden truths, there’s no turning back. The clarity you gain forever alters your...

Big Pharma Unleashes ‘Super mRNA’ Jabs for Pandemic Influenza: A New Era of Influenza Panic

Moderna Gets a Lifeline with a $176 Million Contract from Biden In a dazzling display of corporate welfare, the Biden administration has graciously handed Moderna...

CDC Study Finds Covid Vaccines Linked to a 111,795% Increase in Brain Clots—Or So They Say

In a stunning revelation that's bound to make your head spin—literally—a new study has reportedly found that Covid-19 vaccines are associated with a jaw-dropping...




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