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Health Secrets For Life

Euthanasia for Sore Backs: The Dutch Cure for Mild Discomfort

In a story that sounds more like a dark satire than reality, a Dutch couple was euthanized by the state due to their persistent...

Big Pharma Unleashes ‘Super mRNA’ Jabs for Pandemic Influenza: A New Era of Influenza Panic

Moderna Gets a Lifeline with a $176 Million Contract from Biden In a dazzling display of corporate welfare, the Biden administration has graciously handed Moderna...

CDC Study Finds Covid Vaccines Linked to a 111,795% Increase in Brain Clots—Or So They Say

In a stunning revelation that's bound to make your head spin—literally—a new study has reportedly found that Covid-19 vaccines are associated with a jaw-dropping...

Bill Gates: The Boogeyman of Vaccines and Veggies

Ah, Bill Gates. Once the benevolent overlord of Microsoft, now apparently the villain in a global saga of vaccine-induced mayhem and vegetable tampering. Forget...

The Irony of Vaccine Safety: Pfizer CEO Didn’t Take the Jab

In a world where the words "safe and effective" became synonymous with hope, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla emerged as the prophet of the vaccine...




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