UN Declares War on Free Speech: Non-Mainstream Views to be Ostracized from Society


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The UN’s Bold New Strategy: Silence is Golden

The United Nations, ever the champion of global harmony, has escalated its war against free speech, proclaiming that anyone harboring or sharing non-mainstream views must be ostracized and severely punished. Because, why not? We all know that diversity of thought is the real enemy here.

The Mastermind Behind the Plan: Antonio Guterres

Antonio Guterres, the illustrious Secretary General of the UN, has unveiled the latest globalist strategy for population control, surveillance, and censorship. The initiative, charmingly dubbed the “Global Principles for Information Integrity,” aims to obliterate “harmful misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech” online. Of course, this is all done while staunchly upholding human rights, particularly the freedom of speech. Because nothing says “freedom of speech” like silencing dissenting voices.

Global Principles for Information Integrity: Orwell Would Be Proud

According to reports from NaturalNews.com, Guterres presented this urgent game-plan, commanding governments, tech companies, media, and advertisers to establish official narratives and silence any opposition. The UN’s support for Big Tech’s algorithmic dominance over online information aims to further control speech on the internet. A global elite seeks to purge disinformation and discredit dissenting voices. Clearly, this censorship is not just a war on free speech but a war on truth, ensuring these power systems remain unaccountable for their actions.

The Surveillance State: Training for Obedience

The UN’s information surveillance and control system aspires to create authoritarian narratives, restricting access to life-saving knowledge. These control systems do more than censor; they train people on what to say, how to behave, and what to think. The UN envisions a world where people relinquish their sovereignty and submit to manipulative, abusive entities and false authorities.

Algorithmic Censorship: Because Free Speech is Overrated

These automated review processes will filter and remove content deemed objectionable or politically sensitive. This includes blocking websites, social media posts, or entire platforms that criticize the government, promote dissent, or discuss sensitive topics like human rights abuses. In times of political unrest, governments may impose internet shutdowns or restrict access to specific sites or social media platforms, effectively silencing dissent and limiting the ability of citizens to communicate and organize.

Big Tech’s Role: Guardians of the Narrative

Meta, formerly Facebook, exemplifies this approach, having targeted and shut down community groups discussing COVID-19 vaccine injuries. Any opposition to vaccine mandates was labeled as “misinformation,” and groups advocating for medical freedom were algorithmically shut down or severely restricted. Surveillance technologies monitor online activities in real-time, creating a chilling effect that deters individuals from expressing controversial opinions or participating in political discourse online.

Manipulating Search Results: Shaping Public Perception

Governments and pharmaceutical companies can influence search engine algorithms to prioritize or bury information about cures for infectious diseases, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. By controlling the top search results, these entities shape public perception, suppress alternative viewpoints, and promote propaganda, keeping people dependent on drugs and vaccines that don’t work.

Legislative Overreach: Silencing Dissent

Governments may enact laws that impose restrictions on digital content, requiring platforms to remove “harmful” or “offensive” content. These laws, often vague and broadly interpreted, target journalists, activists, and ordinary citizens expressing dissenting views. The Biden administration’s targeting of the so-called “disinformation dozen,” who were removed and demonetized across social media platforms, is a prime example. The federal government even coerced Amazon to restrict access to books discussing vaccination topics.

Intimidation Tactics: Creating a Climate of Fear

Authorities selectively target journalists, human rights defenders, activists, or marginalized community members with harassment, intimidation, or legal threats. This climate of fear and self-censorship prevents individuals from expressing dissenting opinions or advocating for social change. The UN can throttle internet speeds or block communication channels during periods of unrest, restricting the ability of individuals to communicate securely, share information, or coordinate protests.

Lack of Transparency: Power Without Accountability

Like its predecessors, these UN-backed information control systems lack transparency and accountability, with no due process for their targets. This absence of oversight allows those in power to manipulate information flows without public scrutiny, exacerbating the impact of censorship on democratic processes and civil liberties. With this move, the UN and its military alliances are practically declaring war on the press, research analysts, and independent journalism.

Conclusion: The UN’s Brave New World

In summary, the UN’s latest declaration against free speech is a bold step towards a future where dissenting voices are silenced, and the narrative is tightly controlled by a select few. By ostracizing those with non-mainstream views, the UN aims to create a homogeneous world where free thought is a relic of the past. So, let us all embrace this new era of enforced conformity and celebrate the UN’s unwavering commitment to freedom—of the officially sanctioned kind, of course.

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