Vatican Issues Guidelines for Apparitions, Aliens, and Supernatural Phenomena


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The Vatican’s recent release of guidelines on supernatural phenomena, including apparitions and potential alien encounters, has sparked curiosity and speculation. This document, which aims to provide a framework for discerning such occurrences, comes at a time when interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life is at an all-time high.

Understanding Apparitions and Supernatural Phenomena

The Vatican defines an “apparition” as an instance where a divine entity, such as a saint, the Virgin Mary, or even Christ, reveals itself to a person on Earth. This phenomenon has been part of religious experiences for centuries, with numerous reported cases worldwide.

The Need for New Guidelines

Released on May 17, the Vatican’s document suggests that there might be a need to prepare for potential future encounters. This implies that the Church anticipates more frequent reports of supernatural events and wants to ensure that these are evaluated systematically and theologically sound.

Historical Context: A Look Back to 1978

The last time the Vatican issued norms for evaluating supernatural phenomena was in February 1978. Cardinal Franjo Seper, then-prefect of the doctrinal office, highlighted the necessity of these norms due to the rapid spread of news about alleged apparitions via mass media. The current guidelines reflect a continuation of this cautious and thorough approach, updated for the modern era.

Pope Francis and the Alien Question

Pope Francis has shown a notable interest in the topic of aliens. In late 2023, he made intriguing comments suggesting that aliens, if they exist, could be baptized. He compared the idea to early Christians associating with “Jews and Gentiles,” posing a hypothetical situation where Martians might request baptism. This open-mindedness towards extraterrestrial life aligns with the Vatican’s broader curiosity about the universe.

Preparing for First Contact: The Vatican’s Involvement

The upcoming documentary “God Versus Aliens,” premiering at the Cannes Film Festival, explores the Vatican’s secretive investigations into UFOs. Filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee asserts that the Vatican’s new guidelines on apparitions indicate a move towards full disclosure about UFO phenomena. According to Lee, the Church has been studying UFOs for decades, even appointing a Cardinal to handle first contact scenarios.

The Vatican Observatory’s Role

Many are surprised to learn about the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions, with a history spanning two and a half centuries. The Vatican Observatory maintains a research group at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory in Tucson, leveraging advanced equipment to explore the cosmos. This involvement underscores the Vatican’s commitment to understanding extraterrestrial life.

Implications of the Guidelines

While the Vatican is unlikely to disclose everything it knows about extraterrestrial life, two points are clear:

  1. The Vatican believes in the existence of extraterrestrial life.
  2. The Vatican intends to foster a positive relationship with any aliens that might make contact.

Potential for Deception

Author Tom Horn speculated that the Vatican’s actions could set the stage for a significant deception. He argued that humanity’s historical need for a savior, especially during times of distress, makes us vulnerable to accepting a “superior race” with seemingly all the answers. This perspective highlights the potential dangers of uncritically embracing extraterrestrial beings as saviors.

A Century of Conditioning

For decades, popular culture has conditioned us to expect contact with aliens. Movies, books, and TV shows have normalized the idea of interacting with beings from other planets. A century ago, such notions would have been dismissed as fantasy. Today, however, society is well-prepared for the possibility of alien encounters.

The Vatican’s Stance

It appears the Vatican is ready to welcome extraterrestrials, which raises concerns for some observers. This readiness might be seen as aligning with the predicted “great deception,” where humanity looks to the skies for salvation during times of crisis.


The Vatican’s guidelines on apparitions and supernatural phenomena reflect a cautious and open-minded approach to the mysteries of the universe. As the world watches and wonders, the Church’s preparations for potential alien contact suggest that we are on the cusp of unprecedented discoveries. Whether these encounters lead to enlightenment or deception remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the Vatican is taking these possibilities seriously.

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  1. The Vatican’s guidelines on apparitions and supernatural phenomena reflect a cautious and open-minded approach to the mysteries of the universe. As the world watches and wonders, the Church’s preparations for potential alien contact suggest that we are on the cusp of unprecedented discoveries. Whether these encounters lead to enlightenment or deception remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the Vatican is taking these possibilities seriously.


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