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Tag: Vaccines

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Robert Kennedy repeatedly struggles with articulation, clarity, and addressing important topics.

The article argues that Robert Kennedy's presidential campaign is struggling due to his inability to effectively articulate his positions on important issues, such as transgender children, border security, and climate change. The author suggests that Kennedy's attempts to appeal to a broad range of voters by avoiding radical positions have made him appear weak and ineffective.

Are Politicians’ Vaccine Stances Trustworthy?

Politicians advocating for COVID-19 vaccines might need a dose of their own medicine. Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, a Texan physician stirring the pot, has called out candidates to clarify their positions on these jabs while taking a stand against pharmaceutical funding. Surprisingly, a slew of them are singing a different tune, agreeing that these vaccines should be taken off the market. It's a head-scratcher when those in power aren't rushing to get the same shots they're promoting.

COVID-19 Vaccines: The Hidden Dangers Revealed

A study conducted by researchers in South Korea found that individuals who received COVID-19 vaccines were more likely to experience non-life-threatening side effects such as menstrual disorders, ear problems, tinnitus, and aplastic anemia. The study also found an increased incidence of new blood disorders and hematologic abnormalities, particularly aplastic anemia, and a higher incidence of inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders such as plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and Achilles tendinitis in the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group.

Vivek Ramaswamy’s Controversial Vaccine Comments During Republican Debate Sparks Blackout and Conspiracy Theories

Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican debate candidate, promised to revoke the Reagan-era legislation granting immunity to the vaccine industry in cases of injury caused by vaccines. During the debate, the feed mysteriously blacked out for eight minutes, fueling conspiracy theories. The streaming platform, Rumble, denied responsibility, blaming a third-party feed failure.

The Truth Behind Moderna and Pfizer COVID Vaccines: Unveiling DNA Contamination

Amidst the fervor of COVID-19 vaccination, startling revelations...


UN Declares War on Free Speech: Non-Mainstream Views to be Ostracized from Society

The UN's Bold New Strategy: Silence is Golden The United...

Biden Zapped by Putin’s Magic Raygun During Debate, Claim Panicked Liberals

Desperate liberals have hit a new low, peddling the...

The Great Global Hypnosis: A Guide to Seeing Through the World’s Collective Delusion

In a world teeming with technological marvels, you’d think...


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