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Science Experiments

British MP’s Outrageous Claim: “COVID Vaccines Cause More Deaths Than the Holocaust”

In a shocking turn of events, British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen ignited a firestorm within Parliament with his audacious assertion that COVID-19 vaccines...

Pope Francis Roasts Climate Change Deniers: They’re as Foolish as Lucifer Himself

In a fiery verbal sermon, Pope Francis didn't mince words when he likened climate change deniers to, well, the devil. In an interview with...

Doctors Caught in Bizarre Experiment: Declaring Patients ‘Brain Dead’ for Medical Testing

It's high time we acknowledge the humanity in our patients, rather than treating them as disposable test subjects in our quest for medical enlightenment. In a world where ethics take a backseat to scientific curiosity, it's up to us to demand accountability and uphold the sanctity of human life, even in the face of medical innovation gone awry.

Study Reveals Sharp Increase in Cancer Deaths Following Third mRNA COVID Vaccine Doses

A recent study from Japan has unearthed compelling evidence pointing to a concerning trend: a surge in cancer-related deaths post the administration of third...

They Have Been Ruling Earth for Thousands of Years

Ever wondered who really calls the shots on this planet? It's a question that has intrigued minds for centuries, sparking countless theories, myths, and...




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