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Lifestyle Hacks For Productivity

Bill Gates: The Boogeyman of Vaccines and Veggies

Ah, Bill Gates. Once the benevolent overlord of Microsoft, now apparently the villain in a global saga of vaccine-induced mayhem and vegetable tampering. Forget...

The Great Global Hypnosis: A Guide to Seeing Through the World’s Collective Delusion

In a world teeming with technological marvels, you’d think humanity would have reached the pinnacle of enlightenment by now. Instead, it appears we've collectively...

The Irony of Vaccine Safety: Pfizer CEO Didn’t Take the Jab

In a world where the words "safe and effective" became synonymous with hope, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla emerged as the prophet of the vaccine...

Is Modern America Living Out the Curses of Deuteronomy 28?

The ancient words of Deuteronomy 28:15 seem to echo eerily in today's world. This verse warns us of the consequences of disobedience to divine...

Breakthrough Discovery: Scientists Unveil mRNA Vaccine ‘Off Switch’

A New Hope for mRNA Vaccine Recipients In a groundbreaking development, scientists have discovered a method to deactivate the genetic effects of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines....




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