Australia Mandates ‘Food Rations’ To Prepare for Bird Flu Pandemic


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Australia’s new wave of restrictions is making headlines as the government, allegedly under the thumb of the World Economic Forum (WEF), imposes food rationing and lockdowns. The narrative spins a dramatic tale where Australians are portrayed as victims of their own compliance, having surrendered their firearms without protest.

The Global Elite’s Playground: Australia
Australia is being painted as the New World Order’s experimental lab. It’s where authoritarian measures are trialed before being unleashed globally. The elite are pushing the envelope, and the Aussies seem to be their guinea pigs.

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Food Bans and Rationing: A Taste of the Future
Victoria, a state in Australia, has become the epicenter of these drastic measures. Farms are locked down, millions of chickens have been culled, and purchasing everyday items like eggs is now a challenge. The government, in a move that seems straight out of a dystopian novel, is promoting ultra-processed foods while discouraging the consumption of natural products.

Water Woes: Contaminated and Controlled
Adding to the chaos, Australia is grappling with a water crisis. Reports of carcinogenic chemicals in the water supply have shocked the public. It’s almost as if the elite have a sinister plan to reduce the population prematurely.

Digital Domination: Cashless Society on the Horizon
Australia’s trust in its WEF-aligned government might lead to a cashless society dominated by digital currencies and IDs. This would give the elite unprecedented control over every transaction and, by extension, every individual.

The U.S. Isn’t Far Behind
Don’t get too comfortable, Americans. The food supply in the U.S. is under siege, and the situation is about to get dire. Here’s why:

Beef Shortage: The worst drought in the western U.S. in 1,200 years is forcing ranchers to reduce their herds. Beef production is expected to decline by 7% by 2025.

Wheat Woes: The drought has severely impacted the winter wheat harvest, resulting in an 8% decrease from last year. Expect less bread and pizza on your table.

Delayed Planting: Unusual weather conditions delayed spring planting in the Midwest, leading to lower yields at harvest time.

Bird Flu Devastation: Over 37 million chickens and turkeys in the U.S. have been culled due to bird flu, coincidentally just as Bill Gates finalizes his bird flu vaccine. This will mean fewer eggs, chicken, and turkey on the market, with prices already skyrocketing.

Citrus Crisis: Florida’s citrus industry is reeling from citrus greening disease, producing the worst crop of oranges in 70 years.

Global Famine Looms
Each of these issues is a crisis in itself, but together, they spell a catastrophic food shortage. Sara Menker, CEO of Gro Intelligence, recently warned the UN Security Council about the dwindling global food supplies. With the lowest grain inventory levels ever recorded and constrained access to fertilizers, the future looks bleak.

Preparing for the Worst: A Manufactured Crisis?
Preparations for a major food shortage are underway. Earlier this year, a preparedness exercise in Brussels eerily forecasted a 2024-2025 food shortage in Europe leading to a global famine. Sound familiar? This is reminiscent of “Event 201,” a pandemic preparedness exercise that presaged the COVID-19 pandemic.

Conclusion: A Call to Awareness
The elite’s machinations are becoming increasingly transparent. From manipulating food supplies to orchestrating crises, their endgame appears to be control and power. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and join the resistance against these dystopian plans. The future of our food and freedom may very well depend on it.

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  1. The elite’s machinations are becoming increasingly transparent. From manipulating food supplies to orchestrating crises, their endgame appears to be control and power. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and join the resistance against these dystopian plans. The future of our food and freedom may very well depend on it.


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