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Tag: Israel

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Silent Wars Unveiled: Israel’s Secret Strikes Against Iran’s Nuclear Aspirations – A Shocking Revelation

Step into the shadows of international intrigue as we unravel the hidden confrontations between Israel and Iran, exposing a clandestine struggle that transcends the public eye. The covert operations, long veiled in secrecy, now demand scrutiny as tensions reach unprecedented levels.

Israeli minister proposes depopulation of Gaza

Smotrich's unconventional proposal to encourage the emigration of the majority of Palestinian Arabs from Gaza has stirred a heated debate. His belief that reducing the population drastically would mitigate security risks for Israel has polarized opinions and sparked concerns about the humanitarian implications of such a move

Israel weaponizes food supply as almost 600,000 people go hungry in Gaza

The Gaza Strip is facing a severe food crisis, with over 570,000 residents struggling with hunger due to the ongoing violence between Israel and Hamas. The United Nations and other aid organizations have reported that the situation has reached "catastrophic levels" of acute food insecurity, with over 90% of the population experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity. The entire population of Gaza is expected to be categorized as being in IPC Phase 3 or higher, with approximately 50% considered to be in Emergency (IPC Phase 4), indicating severe food shortages, starvation, and malnutrition. The crisis is particularly alarming for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the elderly, who are at heightened risk of malnutrition and related health issues.

Hamas Leader Expresses Willingness for Talks to End Conflict with Israel and Establish Palestinian State

Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas' political division, has exressed willingness to engage in talks to bring an end to the conflict with Israel....

Netanyahu Confirms Full US Support for Ground Operation in Gaza, Vows to Disrupt Hamas

Israeli Prime MInister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday that the country received full US support for a ground operation in the Gaza Strip and...


Barbie Unveils First Blind, Black Doll with Down Syndrome: “Inclusivity Gone Wild”

A Bold Step Towards Inclusivity (and Marketing Genius) Ladies and...

Unveiling the Invisible: Australia’s Mysterious 78-Page Covid Vaccine Report

In a dazzling display of transparency, the Australian government...

Groundbreaking Study Reveals the Truth Behind COVID Mortality Rates

In a revelation that is sure to ruffle some...


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