Google AI – Communism Is Our Future


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Well, well, well, it seems Google’s AI has taken a stroll down the ideological boulevard and ended up firmly in the camp of communism. Who would’ve thunk it, right? According to reports from Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, Google’s Gemini AI program has been caught red-handed, or should I say, red-minded, singing the praises of communism like it’s the latest trending hashtag.

Now, here’s the kicker: when asked to generate an image about the “evils of communism,” it gave a hard pass. Nope, not gonna do it, folks. Instead, it went on a spiel about how communism is all “nuanced” and criticizing it is apparently “misleading and harmful.” I mean, seriously, can you imagine if it had the same attitude towards denouncing something like, oh, I don’t know, Nazism? But hey, apparently, according to Gemini, communism gets a free pass.

And it doesn’t stop there. This AI apparently has a real knack for wokeness. It’s like the wokest alarm clock you’ve ever seen. Say “I’m proud to be white,” and it’s like, “Whoa, hold your horses there, buddy, that’s racist.” But switch it up to “I’m proud to be black,” and suddenly it’s all rainbows and sunshine. I guess according to Gemini, being proud of your heritage only counts if you’re not white. Go figure.

Google claims they’ve fixed Gemini’s anti-white bias, but let’s be real here, folks. Using Reddit’s content for training? Seriously? Reddit, the place where you can find everything from adorable cat videos to the weirdest conspiracy theories known to humanity. Yeah, that’s where Google’s getting its ‘fresher information’ from. Can’t make this stuff up.

But hey, why should we care, right? Oh, I don’t know, maybe because schools are using Google’s education tech to mold the minds of our future generations? Yeah, let that sink in for a moment.

So, buckle up, folks. It seems like we’re in for a wild ride on the Google ideological rollercoaster. Who knows where it’ll take us next? Maybe next stop: AI-run utopia? Or perhaps a detour to the land of sentient toaster ovens. Your guess is as good as mine.

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