France Silences TV Stations That Dare Question WEF’s ‘Net Zero’ Agenda


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France’s Fight Against Climate Heresy

In an unexpected plot twist that could rival any French soap opera, President Emmanuel Macron has given the green light for the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (Arcom) to commence shutting down TV networks that dare to challenge the World Economic Forum’s ‘Net Zero’ agenda. It seems questioning the holy scriptures of climate change is now a punishable offense in the land of liberté, égalité, fraternité.

The Arcom Armada Strikes: Fines and Fury

Arcom, wielding its newfound power like a hammer against dissenting nails, issued a hefty fine to CNews, the second largest news network in France. The offense? Mildly criticizing the gospel of man-made global warming. Apparently, allowing a guest to present a controversial thesis without immediate, scathing rebuttal is the media equivalent of heresy.

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CNews: France’s Rebel News Network

CNews, known for its round-the-clock national and global news coverage, has earned the dubious honor of being compared to America’s Fox News. It’s a conservative darling in a sea of liberal media, often finding itself in hot water for failing to toe the line. This week, it’s boiling over with a €20,000 fine for broadcasting climate skepticism without balanced reporting.

QuotaClimat and Arcom: The Climate Inquisition

In a world-first, Arcom has issued a financial sanction over an environmental subject, much to the delight of QuotaClimat. This association, which campaigns for better media coverage of ecological issues, couldn’t be happier. After all, nothing says “honest presentation of controversial issues” like a hefty fine for not echoing the approved narrative.

The Case of Philippe Herlin: The Man Who Spoke Too Much

On August 8, 2023, during a CNews feature called ‘Punchline Eté’, economist Philippe Herlin dared to voice his climate skepticism. He labeled anthropogenic global warming a “lie” and a “scam”, suggesting it was a ploy for state intervention and public spending. The reaction in the studio? Crickets. This lack of immediate contradiction led Arcom to conclude CNews had failed in its duty to ensure an honest presentation of controversial issues. The result? A €20,000 fine for the channel.

Sud Radio: Another Target in the Climate Witch Hunt

CNews isn’t alone in the climate inquisition. Just weeks earlier, Sud Radio faced criticism from Arcom over a program featuring physicist François Gervais during COP28. Gervais, known for his controversial views, described global warming as a “good thing”. His comments, along with the broadcaster’s failure to provide balanced coverage, drew the ire of Arcom, which warned Sud Radio of potential financial penalties if such disinformation continued.

Climate Denial: The Media’s New Villain

QuotaClimat has been busy reporting on media accountability regarding climate change denial since 2023. While they insist there’s progress to be made, Climat Médias claims such rhetoric has been historically low in recent weeks. Perhaps there’s hope yet for a media landscape free of climate heresy.

Conclusion: The Future of Free Speech in France

As France embarks on this crusade against climate skepticism, one can’t help but wonder about the future of free speech. Will other nations follow suit? Will dissenting voices be silenced in the name of ecological purity? Only time will tell. In the meantime, stay tuned to the drama unfolding in France’s media landscape. It promises to be a spectacle worthy of a French soap opera.

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  1. As France embarks on this crusade against climate skepticism, one can’t help but wonder about the future of free speech. Will other nations follow suit? Will dissenting voices be silenced in the name of ecological purity? Only time will tell. In the meantime, stay tuned to the drama unfolding in France’s media landscape. It promises to be a spectacle worthy of a French soap opera.

  2. If “males” in America react to this censorship the same way they reacted to children being mutilated with transgender surgery and being exposed to drag queens, the reaction of which was to do nothing, then free speech is done.
    Pedophile enabling scum always regurgitate the mainstream narrative, therefore things like free speech mean nothing to them.


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