Biden Zapped by Putin’s Magic Raygun During Debate, Claim Panicked Liberals


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Desperate liberals have hit a new low, peddling the theory that Joe Biden’s lackluster debate performance was due to Russian President Vladimir Putin targeting him with a directed-energy weapon. This zany hypothesis suggests that Putin’s high-tech trickery caused Biden to exhibit temporary Havana Syndrome symptoms.

Liberals Blame Russia for Everything

Blaming Russia for mishaps is an old liberal habit. From Hillary Clinton’s botched presidential campaign to the scandalous revelations on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, Russia has always been their go-to scapegoat.

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The Most Desperate “Russia, Russia, Russia” Moment Yet

Accusing Putin of sabotaging Biden’s debate performance marks a new peak of desperation for liberals. This is “Russia-gate” on steroids. Igor Sushko, a US-based anti-Putin activist, insists that Biden’s symptoms during the CNN debate align with those of Havana Syndrome, a theory pushed by scientists specializing in directed-energy beam research.

“As outlandish as the theory sounds, it warrants serious consideration, especially since Biden seemed like a completely different person before and after the debate,” Sushko posted on X, garnering thousands of shares from gullible liberals.

“He might have had a cold, but that doesn’t explain his debate symptoms,” Sushko added.

The Spy Who Theorized

The theory stems from the musings of Yuri Shvets, a former Soviet spy who defected to the United States in 1993. Sushko also points out that a Russian government plane allegedly landed in the US on June 27 and departed on June 29, hinting at potential foul play.

A Protected President

The truth is, Biden’s disastrous debate performance shocked liberals because the mainstream media has shielded him for years. The octogenarian president’s frequent senior moments and slip-ups have been carefully edited out of public view.

Biden has a history of freezing in front of audiences, issuing nonsensical statements, and sharing bizarre stories. Yet, the US media has given him a free pass. He hasn’t faced a tough question from a serious journalist or sat for a substantial interview in years. Press conferences are filled with DNC-friendly journalists asking pre-approved questions. Even then, Biden often fumbles his responses.

Jill Biden’s Motherly Praise

After the debate, Jill Biden was overheard congratulating her husband as if he were a small child. “Joe, you did such a great job,” she said. “You answered every question. You knew all the facts.”

No, Joe wasn’t hit by an invisible ray. The Democrats simply shot themselves in the foot. And unfortunately for liberals, this self-inflicted wound will not heal quickly, especially with independent voters in swing states.


In the end, the directed-energy weapon theory is nothing more than a desperate attempt by liberals to deflect from Biden’s own shortcomings. The notion that Putin zapped Biden into incoherence is as laughable as it is improbable. The real issue lies within the Democratic Party’s reluctance to face the reality of their leader’s declining capabilities.


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