Dr. Robert Malone, the pioneering mind behind mRNA technology, issues a stark warning: global elites are strategically orchestrating pandemics to pave the way for what they term as a ‘New World Order’.
Unveiling the Globalist Web
Dr. Malone underscores that the COVID-19 crisis has served as a catalyst for unelected globalist entities like the UN and WEF to assume control over health policies across nations. This maneuvering, as per his insights, is a stepping stone towards an overarching ambition of establishing a One World Government.
The UN’s Expansion: From PEace to Control
This power consolidation, brewing for decades, gained momentum during the pandemic, fostering international agreements that position the UN as a global governing body. The United Nations, transcending its original mandate of fostering peace, has evolved into a behemoth dictating global economics, migration, reproductive health, monetary systems, digital identities, environmental policies, agriculture, wages, climate interventions, and unified health initiatives.
The UN’s Covert Transformation
The UN’s expansive reach aims at homogenizing and eventually erasing national sovereignty, thereby diluting diverse cultures, traditions, religions, and unique national identities.
Globalist Collaborations: Merging Powers
Partnering with globalist entities like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, CEPI, GAVI, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, and the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations consolidates its control.
The WEF-UN Nexus: A Plot Unveiled
The strategic accord between the WEF and the UN in 2019 marked a commitment to ‘stakeholder capitalism,’ enabling private enterprises to influence governmental policies. The WEF’s blueprint during the pandemic, labeled the Great Reset, aimed at reconfiguring global governance, particularly concerning societal issues like climate change.
UN’s UNseen Expansionist Agenda
The UN’s sprawling authority extends through fourteen specialized organizations, including the WHO, surpassing the original charter’s aims of ensuring peace and human rights.
Agenda 2030: A Totalitarian Manifesto?
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable DEvelopment, endorsed by all nations in 2015, elevates the UN to a self-serving global bureaucratic authority. The 17 goals and 169 targets of Agenda 2030 significantly encroach upon realms of global governance, blurring the lines of national sovereignty.
Vaccination Passports and UN’s Power Play
The WHO’s push for a global vaccine passport, backed by G-20 leaders, aims to standardize international travel. Collaborations with the EU further solidify the UN’s grip on health governance.
G-20’s Role in the UN’s Ascent
The G-20, alongside financial bodies like the IMF and World Bank, collaborates to introduce central bank digital currencies, leveraging the disruption caused by the pandemic to justify their implementation.
The UN’s Web of Control: Privacy at Stake
The UN’s administrative power grab under the guise of public health threatens individual privacy, national sovereignty, and the core principles of the UN charter.
The Looming Global Administrative State
With the integration of international passports, digital currencies, Agenda 2030’s tenets, and WHO amendments, the groundwork for a new world order is near completion– a governance web ensnaring individuals and nations alike.
Upholding Sovereignty: The Call to Action
To combat this encroaching global governance, a collective effort at local, national, and international levels is imperative. Leveraging legal avenues, legislative action, media influence, public activism, and the strength of national sovereignty is crucial. Withdrawal from the UN’s New World Order may be necessary to safeguard individual freedoms.
Safeguarding Sovereignty: A Collective Responsibility
Protecting personal and national sovereignty stands pivotal. A New World Order is unwarranted, unacceptable, and demands unequivocal rejection from both the populace and sovereign governments.
The insights presented by Jill Glasspool Malone during the International Crisis Summit at The Palace of the Parliament in Romania on Nov 18, 2023, cast a stark light on the imminent challenges posed by the advancing globalist agenda.
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