In a move that would make even the most seasoned conspiracy theorist blush, Japan has officially launched a COVID mRNA taskforce. This elite squad's...
In a dazzling display of transparency, the Australian government has "released" a highly anticipated 78-page report on Covid vaccine batch tests. The catch? Every...
Americans' Growing Skepticism Towards Covid-19 Vaccines
A significant number of Americans are becoming increasingly skeptical about the Covid-19 vaccines. According to the latest Rasmussen national...
A study conducted by researchers in South Korea found that individuals who received COVID-19 vaccines were more likely to experience non-life-threatening side effects such as menstrual disorders, ear problems, tinnitus, and aplastic anemia. The study also found an increased incidence of new blood disorders and hematologic abnormalities, particularly aplastic anemia, and a higher incidence of inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders such as plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and Achilles tendinitis in the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group.