Hunter Biden Indicted: Son of President Joe Biden Faces 17 Years in Prison for Tax Evasion and Fraud


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The year 2023 certainly can not end soon enough for the Biden regime. On the very same day House Republicans moved to formalize an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, special counsel David Weiss filed a nine-count indictment against Hunter Biden alleging failure to file and pay taxes; evasion of tax investigation; and filing fraudulent tax returns.

The timing is no coincidence, as father and son were practically joined at bank accounts throughout Joe Biden’s two-term vice presidency, which is when the alleged criminal activities occurred.

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“The defendant engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019,” the indictment read, adding that Biden “spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills.”

IN 2018 alone, the indictment continued, Biden “spent more than $1.8 million, including approximately $772,000 in cash withdrawals, approximately $383,000 in payments to women, approximately $151,000 in clothing and accessories,” as well as a host of other expenditures, including “drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature.”

If found guilty of the charges (don’t hold your breath), which include three felonies and six misdemeanor offenses, Hunter Biden, 53, would be eligible for up to 17 years behind bars. Previously, Washington’s prodigal son was prepared to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax charges as part of a plea bargain, which the Republicans chastised as a “sweetheart deal” and was ultimately rejected by the judge.

The extent of US President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s controversial international dealings remains a mystery, but it’s not looking promising. This uncertainty poses a significant threat to the president’s reputation and future in politics.

Since Joe Biden began his campaign, he assured the American public that he had never engaged in any corrupt activities with his family members while he was the vice president under the Obama administration. However, this narrative seems to be quickly falling apart.

This week, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer released subpoenaed bank records showing an enterprise owned by Hunter Biden had made “direct monthly payments to Joe Biden.” The allegations were substantiated by the courageous work of two IRS whistleblowers.

“Hunter Biden’s corporate account, which received payments from China and other questionable sources, was the source of the payment, not his personal account,” Comer noted just before Hunter’s indictment. According to the indictment, Hunter profited significantly while serving on the boards of Burisma, a Ukrainian industrial conglomerate, and a Chinese equity fund, raising concerns for his father, “the big guy.”

In 2017, Hunter criticized Henry Zhao, CEO of Harvest Fund Management, via WhatsApp for failing to uphold a promise. For added emphasis, he noted that his father, who was the Vice President at the time, was present during the conversation.

“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter wrote. “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.”

Hunter Biden’s Ukraine pay cut revealedREAD MORE: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine pay cut revealed
Days later, on August 4, 2017, Chinese firm CEFC Infrastructure Investment wired $100,000 to Hunter Biden’s law firm, Owasco. While it is arguably criminal to threaten a business partner by name-dropping the sitting vice president, it was also reported that at least $40,000 eventually trickled into Joe Biden’s bank account, which Hunter had tagged as a “loan repayment.”

According to Comer, the payments made by Hunter’s business entity to Joe Biden are now part of a larger pattern that suggests Joe Biden was aware of, involved in, and profited from his family’s attempts to use their influence for personal gain.

For the record, Joe Biden has consistently denied any knowlege or participation in his son’s business dealings.

The recent indictment of Hunter Biden and the potential impeachment of President Joe Biden have been met with enthusiasm by Donald Trump, the front-runner for the REpublican presidential nomination and the only U.S. president to have been impeached twice.

A final curious note about the indictment against Hunter Biden. It came as some surprise not just because Hunter happens to be the son of the most powerful octogenarian in the world, but because it happened to be a grand jury in California that handed down the indictment. Not only are we talking about the liberal capital of the free world, but it just so happens to be run by a Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, who has serious presidential ambitions.

“I think a lot of people felt … that David Weiss was going to let these charges skate and Hunter Biden would never be held accountable for making millions of dollars overseas,” Republican lawmaker Sean Duffy told Fox News, adding that if the legal landscape worsens for the Bidens in this Los Angeles case, the Democrats will be forced to seek an “off ramp [and] look to the hair-gel governor” there in 2024.

It’s likely that individuals who subscribe to the idea that political events are not driven by chance may also suspect that Joe Biden’s position as the Democratic presidential candadate could be subject to change in the near future. This is merely a gut feeling.

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