Why Daily Wire Commentators Make My Skin Crawl


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The Daily Wire Elite: Millionaire Mouthpieces for the Establishment

Let’s start with the obvious: Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and their Daily Wire cronies. What’s not to love? Oh, right, everything. These self-proclaimed guardians of conservatism are nothing more than pampered rich kids playing politics from their ivory towers. Their relentless simping for the Washington elite is as subtle as a sledgehammer.

The Trump Betrayal: A Tale of Hypocrisy and High Horses

Remember the primaries? When the Daily Wire brigade couldn’t stop bashing Trump because, apparently, they “knew better”? Fast forward to today, and after their handpicked establishment candidates were trounced, they’ve done a 180. Now, they’re on their high horses, dictating how we and Trump should behave. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Arrogance on Display: The Daily Wire’s Endless Ego Trip

These Daily Wire darlings have an arrogance that’s truly boundless. They strut around like peacocks, pretending to be the moral compass for the conservative movement. But let’s be real: their support for Trump now is about as genuine as a three-dollar bill. It’s laughable to see them suddenly acting like Trump’s biggest fans.

The Working-Class Perspective: A World Apart

As a working-class stiff, I can’t find a single thing in common with these elites. They live in a bubble, far removed from the everyday struggles of ordinary Americans. Their version of conservatism is tailored to suit their privileged lifestyles, not the needs of the average Joe.

Phonies Unmasked: The Country Boy’s Insight

Sure, I might just be a high school-educated country boy, but it doesn’t take a genius to spot a phony. The Daily Wire crew’s veneer of authenticity is paper-thin. Beneath their polished rhetoric lies a deep-seated elitism that’s impossible to ignore.

Conclusion: The Daily Wire’s Contrived Conservatism

In conclusion, the Daily Wire commentators are a far cry from the champions of conservatism they claim to be. Their millionaire status, insider connections, and newfound support for Trump reek of opportunism. It’s high time we call out their hypocrisy and remember that true conservatism comes from the grassroots, not the gilded halls of the establishment.

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