
UN Declares War on Free Speech: Non-Mainstream Views to be Ostracized from Society

The UN's Bold New Strategy: Silence is Golden The United Nations, ever the champion of global harmony, has escalated its…

16 hours ago

The Great Global Hypnosis: A Guide to Seeing Through the World’s Collective Delusion

In a world teeming with technological marvels, you’d think humanity would have reached the pinnacle of enlightenment by now. Instead,…

17 hours ago

The Curious Case of the Research-Resistant: Why People Shun Information and Demand Proof They Won’t Read

In today's digital age, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" has taken on a new, almost perverse meaning. With the vast…

3 days ago

Justin Trudeau: Captain of a Sinking Ship or the Next Bond Villain?

It seems the political stage has taken a theatrical turn in Canada. The protagonist? Our very own Justin Trudeau. Once…

5 days ago

13 Countries Sign WEF Treaty to Engineer an ‘Ethical Global Famine’

In a move that would make even the most cynical dystopian novelist proud, thirteen western countries, including the United States,…

2 weeks ago

The Unstoppable Donald Trump: A Political Quagmire for the Elite

Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, has once again captured public attention, causing concern among the American…

4 weeks ago

Pope Francis Roasts Climate Change Deniers: They’re as Foolish as Lucifer Himself

In a fiery verbal sermon, Pope Francis didn't mince words when he likened climate change deniers to, well, the devil.…

2 months ago

The Incredible Future of Technology: Promising Advancements on the Horizon!

The article discusses several exciting advancements that are expected in various fields of technology. These include advancements in AI, biotechnology,…

6 months ago

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