New World Order Unveils Plan to Use AI for ‘Deprogramming’ Conspiracy Theorists


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In a plot twist straight out of a dystopian novel, the so-called New World Order is reportedly deploying artificial intelligence to “deprogram” individuals who, bless their hearts, believe in what are often labeled as “conspiracy theories.” According to a recent exposé by The People’s Voice Community, global elites are sharpening their digital knives to tackle the wild world of non-mainstream perspectives.

The Great AI Deprogramming Initiative

The John Templeton Foundation’s latest study reveals a chilling new mission: global elites are laser-focused on neutralizing the so-called conspiracy theorists among us. The study, provocatively titled “Durably Reducing Conspiracy Beliefs Through Dialogues with AI,” challenges the pervasive notion that facts alone can’t change deeply ingrained beliefs.

In a world where questioning the status quo has become a sport, researchers are betting that AI can do what human arguments and rational debate fail to accomplish. Popular Science echoes this sentiment, hinting that AI might just be our digital savior from the clutches of skepticism.

The Study: AI Versus Conspiracies reports that the study delved into the efficacy of AI in countering conspiracy theories. The research, while ambitious, focuses on theories ranging from the classic (like the JFK assassination) to the more politically charged (such as COVID-19 lockdowns and the 2020 presidential election). The underlying hypothesis? That a little systematic fact-checking might do wonders.

In a series of AI-mediated dialogues, participants were exposed to a steady stream of facts designed to undermine their cherished beliefs. According to the study’s findings, this AI-induced “treatment” reduced participants’ adherence to their conspiracy theories by an average of 20%. Surprisingly, this newfound enlightenment reportedly lasted for at least two months.

AI: The New Messiah of Misinformation

Researchers are excited about the potential of AI to tackle what they term the “psychological needs and motivations” of conspiracy theorists. They envision a future where AI bots roam the internet, performing digital exorcisms on the devout followers of misinformation.

David Rand, a professor at MIT and one of the study’s co-authors, is quite taken with the results. In an interview, he described the findings as “really exciting,” declaring that the AI approach seemed to work broadly and effectively.

Implications for the Future

So what does this mean for the average Joe or Jane who enjoys a good conspiracy theory? It appears that AI might soon become a staple in our digital lives, intervening in online forums and social media to ensure that we all march in step with the accepted narratives. The promise of AI-driven enlightenment—or at least a serious reduction in conspiracy theory adherence—paints a futuristic picture where skepticism might be curbed by our digital overlords.

In summary, the New World Order’s latest scheme involves unleashing AI on conspiracy theories, proving once again that truth is a malleable construct and skepticism, a mere nuisance to be eradicated. Whether or not this approach will reshape the landscape of public opinion remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the age of AI-driven “deprogramming” has officially arrived.

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  1. In summary, the New World Order’s latest scheme involves unleashing AI on conspiracy theories, proving once again that truth is a malleable construct and skepticism, a mere nuisance to be eradicated. Whether or not this approach will reshape the landscape of public opinion remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the age of AI-driven “deprogramming” has officially arrived.


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